Professional Pathways For All


Problem #1: Limited Time for Professional Learning

Maybe you have 2-4 days a year that are scheduled for site-wide professional development. But then you have all of the “required” items that need to be covered. Miscellaneous tasks that have to be done. And of course, educators need time to prepare for the school year, and time to collaborate. There is never enough time in the calendar for relevant and meaningful professional learning, especially if we schedule it through a traditional lens of what needs to be completed.

SOLUTION: Pathways Use the Time we have (both Collectively and individuallY) with purpose

Enter Professional Pathways. We all have moments in our months, weeks, and days that work better for professional learning. In fact, plenty of teachers are doing this by themselves on their own time (and have been for years). Pathways are designed to be both collective and individual, both in-person and online, both theory and practice. Using the time you have (that works for you) and resources that can be accessed anywhere at anytime.

Problem #2: one-size-Fits-All PD Leaves many educators without meaningful and relevant experiences

We talk about a Universal Design for Learning approach with our students all the time. Kids need learning designed for their needs, and modified for where they are at, their goals, and the support/challenges that will help them become successful. When it comes to PD this often takes a back seat. Educators consistently report that professional learning experiences are neither relevant or meaningful, and often a waste of the little time they have outside of the classroom.

SOLUTION: Pathways Use the Time we have (both Collectively and individually) with purpose

Professional Pathways puts the learning back into the hands of our educators. Pathways designed for all needs and areas make professional learning something that not only can happen throughout the year, but also can support the changes we are seeing, while providing growth opportunities across the board.

How Do Pathways Work?

A Collaborative approach

Our team works with your school, district, or organization to come up with custom professional learning pathways. We create courses, roadmaps, programs, materials, and professional learning experiences that are tailored to where you are now, and where you are headed as an organization.


Schedule Your Free
Strategy Call:

You need professional learning that works with the constraints we have in our schools and organizations. Limited time, limited resources, and a growing need for professional growth and collaboration.

Our team has provided professional learning pathways (in-person and online) to thousands of schools and organizations for over a decade. Now we specialize in helping you create cohesive professional learning that works backward from your goals and mission.

Get in touch with us to set up a consultation, or use the contact form to see whether our services are right for you.

An Integrated System

Our team then integrates the pathways, courses, and community into either your pre-existing LMS, or a shared hub that everyone can access at any time. We work with your organization to develop best practices, identify what’s working, and use data and feedback to improve throughout the year.