
Our Partner Courses

A.J. Juliani

The Online Learning Master Course is designed to support K-12 teachers and school leaders in shifting to adaptable learning experiences that work online, hybrid, concurrent, and back in-person.

The Genius Hour Master Course walks you step-by-step through the Genius Hour process, from planning, launching to students/families, and how to assess the projects.

Catlin Tucker, PhD

Getting Started with Blended and Online Learning has been taken by over 16,000 educators. It focuses on how to take your offline courses blended and entirely online. The strategies presented are grounded in blended and online learning theory. This course will help teachers design a blended or online course, provide instruction online, and facilitate learning and academic discourse in online environments.

Advancing Blended and Online Learning takes this approach to the next level. It provides teachers with a deep dive into planning and facilitating learning for a variety of teaching and learning landscapes. Each module is composed of video lessons, resources, templates, and action items designed to encourage teachers to take what they are learning and create resources and lessons they can use with students immediately. There is also a bonus lesson at the end of each module that specifically addresses how the strategies and models can be used in a concurrent classroom in which teachers are juggling a group in class and a group online simultaneously.

Dr. Jody Carrington

How to Connect with Kids These Days shares an eight-part process for (re)connecting with our kids in virtual and in-person environments. This course is for the parents and educators: our teachers, bus drivers, administrators, educational assistants, librarians, administrative assistants, and custodians. And anyone who leads, loves, and supports them.

Hello Hero is a course for first-responders and their back-up. This course was created for all the heroes who do this brave work of helping people at their most vulnerable — those who do frontline work (paid or volunteer) and those who hold them. We’ll talk about how this job can affect a whole family — and remind each of you why you matter to our communities, and mostly to each other. 

George Couros

Digital Portfolio Master Course helps teachers and leaders learn how to create their own digital portfolios (and then use the process with staff and students). This course helps young and adult learners create meaningful portfolios that document their learning journey, growth, and accomplishments.

Developing the Innovator’s Mindset Through Remote, Face-to-Face, and Blended Learning provides innovative strategies for learning that can be used in remote, blended, and face-to-face learning situations. The course lessons are also divided into elementary, middle, and high school while providing ideas for learning with technology and away from technology

Hope and Wade King

Coming Soon!

Thomas C. Murray

The Personal & Authentic Master Course is a professional learning experience designed to accelerate your growth on your journey as an educator. This master course is structured in a way for you to take a critical lens to your own practice and provides you with the activities, tools, resources, and video reflections.

LaNesha Tabb

Coming Soon!

Carl Hooker

The Remote Learning Coach is a self-paced course on everything you need to know about remote teaching and learning. The purpose of this course is to give you tools and strategies to teach students in multiple settings. The ideas and lessons shared within this course can be easily used in a remote, in-person, or hybrid classroom setting in all K-12 schools.

Jimmy Casas

The Critical Truths Coaching course is designed to provide teachers, coaches, school and district leaders effective strategies to manage complex problems that are negatively impacting your campus culture. It provides proven processes, structures, strategies, and frameworks that will help you transform your campus’ culture to excellence!

Steven Bollar

Coming Soon!